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Ar autoskolas pabeigšanu un tiesību iegūšanu nekas neapstājas. Esot universitātes līmeņa autoskola, uzskatam to par savu pienākumu sniegt Tev ne tikai padomus un padziļinātu informāciju par transportlīdzekļu vadīšanu, bet arī jaunāko informāciju un CSDD aktualitātes.

Autovadītāja tiesības – kā un kur tās iegūstamas

25 Jul, 2017
Autovadītāja apliecība ir dokuments, kas apliecina tiesības vadīt tajā norādīto kategoriju transportlīdzekļus. Šajā rakstā esam aprakstījuši dažādos tiesību veidus un to iegūšanas kārtību. Read more...

Autovadītāju tiesību maiņa – kad un kā tā notiek

24 Jul, 2017
Braukt ar vadītāja apliecību, kura vairs nav derīga, ir tas pats, kas braukt bez tiesībām. Šajā rakstā esam snieguši atbildes uz visiem jautājumiem par tiesību maiņu. Read more...

Braukt ar motociklu bez A kategorijas tiesībām

12 Jun, 2017
CSN nosaka, ka noteiktus motociklus drīkst vadīt ar B kategorijas tiesībām. Uzzini, kuri tie ir! Read more...

Einsteins driving school vs PRESTO

12 Feb, 2025
To make your choice easier, we offer you a detailed comparison between driving school EINSTEINS and driving-motorcycle school PRESTO. May the best win! Read more...

Spring promotion - CSDD driving exam reimbursement promotion in the amount of 32.52 EUR

03 Apr, 2018
If it seems like the winter does not want to say its goodbyes, we can make a step towards spring with our spring promotion - pass the CSDD exam on Your first attempt and 32.52 EUR will be returned back to your account. Read more...

Driving school CREDO vs PRESTO

12 Feb, 2025
To make your choice easier, we offer you a detailed comparison between driving school Credo Autoprieks and driving school Presto. May the best win! Read more...

Driving school MUSTANGS vs PRESTO

12 Feb, 2025
To make your choice easier, we offer you a detailed comparison between driving school Mustangs and driving-motorcycle school PRESTO. May the best win! Read more...

Driving school GROSS vs PRESTO

12 Feb, 2025
To make your choice easier, we offer you a detailed comparison between driving school GROSS and driving school PRESTO. May the best win! Read more...

Driving school FORTŪNA vs PRESTO

12 Feb, 2025
To make your choice easier, we offer you a detailed comparison between driving school FORTUNA and driving school Presto. May the best win! Read more...

Driving school Autoprofs vs PRESTO

12 Feb, 2025
To make your choice easier, we offer you a detailed comparison between driving school Autoprofs and driving school PRESTO. May the best win! Read more...

DBS driving school vs PRESTO

10 Dec, 2020
To make your choice easier, we offer you a detailed comparison between driving school DBS and driving-motorcycle school PRESTO. May the best win! Read more...

Driving school Vanags vs PRESTO

11 Dec, 2020
To make your choice easier, we offer you a detailed comparison between driving school Vanags and driving school Presto. May the best win! Read more...

Kristīne driving school vs PRESTO

04 Dec, 2024
To make your choice easier, we offer you a detailed comparison between driving school Kristine and driving school Presto. May the best win! Read more...

Driving school Eksperts vs PRESTO

11 Dec, 2020
To make your choice easier, we offer you a detailed comparison between driving school Eksperts and driving-motorcycle school Presto. May the best win! Read more...

Darbs C kategorijas autovadītājiem pēc apmācības Presto Autoskolā

26 Jul, 2017
C kategorijas vadītājiem nākotnes darba perspektīvas labi apmaksātam darbam loģistikas un kravas pārvadājumu nozarē tikai pastiprinās – mācies Presto Autoskolā un uzreiz saņem darba piedāvājumu! Read more...

Driving school vs PRESTO

11 Dec, 2020
To make your choice easier, we offer you a detailed comparison between driving school and driving-motorcycle school PRESTO. May the best win! Read more...

Marta uzvarētāji

11 Apr, 2013
Sacensību CSDD teorijas tests 2013. gada marta labāko trijnieks. Read more...
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