Driving school in Gulbene

O. Kalpaka str. 27A, Gulbene

University of drivers:


  • Best results in theoretical and practical training
  • Sign the agreement, select services and make payments all on our website
  • Driving instructors in Gulbene here
  • First aid training in Gulbene here
  • Compare Presto with other driving schools here

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Why choose this driving school?

Lower costs
Training program with total costs 20 % lower than other driving schools.
Training quality
No. 1 in Latvia according to CSDD statistics and autoskolas.com.
Unrivalled service quality
Digital services unique to Europe. On our way to customer service perfection.

Customer reviews

Ginta Ozola

A very good driving school! I have been rolling the steering wheel since May but as I met my acquaintance who was also going to this school and got her driving licence shortly before Christmas,  I remembered that I should also write some good words. 1st - there are responsive staff in the office, especially Kristīne Aleidzane. She is always kind and joyful, she helped me with everything that was necessary in a short period of time and the main thing - everything has been explained in an understandable way! 2nd - the instructor Reinis Bekkers will teach how to drive even a blindfolded monkey. ;) I started to roll the streets of Riga with him. We managed to do that without any unnecessary stress (I would like to think that was his feeling as well). To drive with this instructor didn't cause any stress, even not a little one even in the most complicated situations. In general - he is a nice instructor, good at communication and as well at the way he is teaching. Everything has been explained, shown and repeated keeping a cool head. But I am warning You, guys - he is popular!!!!!! You have to apply for him in due time otherwise You gonna need to reconcile only with the time which has left. 3rd - instructor Sergejs Ivasjuta. I drove with him as well to strengthen my knowledge. A very tolerant and nice instructor. He explains every situation on the road in a short form and peaceful manner. He is also good at the conversation - that is also important for a driver as it would be not cool to talk only about the road signs! You have to apply for his lessons fast as he is popular as well. To add - Sergejs was never angry or not in the mood.  Both instructors were fantastic! Now I am driving without any stress! I HIGHLY recommend!!!!!!


Laura Āboltiņa

I definitely recommend PRESTO! I have tried to learn driving in the other driving school but I couldn't finish the process because of many different obstacles. I needed to start everything from the beginning to meet my goal! It was easy and fast communication. An awesome theory teacher Mārtiņš Pušpurs. They have an easy way to apply for the driving lessons!


Laima Pontāga

The school is awesome. The attitude is very nice. They are teaching theory in a very interesting way. I passed the CSDD exams on the first attempt and I got my licence in 2 months period. Thank you!


Category Theory in person / Video learning (not available in English) Only Driving
Registration (Distances) 20 €
Registration (Present) 30 €
A category 80 € no 40 €
A1 category 80 € no 40 €
A2 category
AM category – / 80 €
B category 120 € no 26 € / no 28 €
BE category
C category 250 € no 70 €
CE category 180 € no 80 €
Code C95 – / 40 €

Medical Services
First aid training 75 €

Distance learning groups

Currently video learning only in Latvian and Russian

Video learning (not available in English)

Category Video Present Total Group type Language
Category AM Video1 lesson Present- Total 1 lesson Group type 0→AM LanguageLV Sign agreement
Category AM Video8 lessons Present3 lessons Total 11 lessons Group type 0→B LanguageLV Sign agreement
Category AM Video8 lessons Present3 lessons Total 11 lessons Group type 0→B LanguageRU Sign agreement
Category A1 Video8 lessons Present3 lessons Total 11 lessons Group type 0→B LanguageLV Sign agreement
Category A1 Video8 lessons Present3 lessons Total 11 lessons Group type 0→B LanguageRU Sign agreement
Category A2 Video1 lesson Present2 lessons Total 3 lessons Group type B→A LanguageLV/RU Sign agreement
Category A Video1 lesson Present2 lessons Total 3 lessons Group type B→A LanguageLV/RU Sign agreement
Category B Video8 lessons Present3 lessons Total 11 lessons Group type 0→B LanguageLV Sign agreement
Category B Video8 lessons Present3 lessons Total 11 lessons Group type 0→B LanguageRU Sign agreement
Category BE Video1 lesson Present2 lessons Total 3 lessons Group type B→BE LanguageLV Sign agreement
Category C Video6 lessons Present4 lessons Total 10 lessons Group type B→C LanguageLV Sign agreement
Category Code 95 Video2 lessons Present4 lessons Total 6 lessons Group type K95 LanguageLV/RU Sign agreement
Category Code C95 Video1 lesson Present- Total 1 lesson Group type C95 LanguageLV Sign agreement

In-person training groups

Find out the place, time and duration of the training

Gulbenes filiāle
O. Kalpaka str. 27A, Gulbene

Category Starting Time Video Present Total Group type Language
Category AM Starting 22.04.2025 Time Mo/Tu/Th 17:30-21:35 Video8 lessons Present3 lessons Total 11 lessons Group type 0→B LanguageLV Sign agreement
Category A1 Starting 22.04.2025 Time Mo/Tu/Th 17:30-21:35 Video8 lessons Present3 lessons Total 11 lessons Group type 0→B LanguageLV Sign agreement
Category B Starting 22.04.2025 Time Mo/Tu/Th 17:30-21:35 Video8 lessons Present3 lessons Total 11 lessons Group type 0→B LanguageLV Sign agreement
Category BE Starting 25.04.2025 Time Fr/Sa/Su 18:00-22:05 Video- Present3 lessons Total 3 lessons Group type B→BE LanguageLV/RU Sign agreement
Category First aid training Starting 28.05.2025 Time We/Th 17:00-22:00 Video- Present2 lessons Total Online: 28. may. 2025.
Present: 29. may. 2025.
Group type PP LanguageLV Sign agreement


Gulbene committee of the Red Cross

Address: Dzirnavu str. 7a, Gulbene

Gulbenes filiāle

Address: O. Kalpaka str. 27A, Gulbene

Gulbenes Ābeļu ielas filiāle

Address: Ābeļu iela 8, Gulbene

Gulbenes Rīgas ielas filiāle

Address: Rīgas iela 36A, Gulbene

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